
Privacy Policy

In the context of its international warrant, UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL sets up and deploys its distributors’ network, in order to improve the coverage of the needs of institutional, humanitarian or social actors on the public market and to meet directly the needs of consumers. We declare that we are a responsible company, whose ambition is to be an avoidable actor in the domain of network marketing. We aim to build a solid and committed  distributors’ network to achieve local, regional and international recognition.

Article 1: The quality of the members
Any person aged of (18 years and over), physical or ethic person, can apply to become a worldwide distributor of UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL.

Article 2: familiarization with the policies of the company
Every distributor, by signing the application form or by registering on the company's website, agrees to abide by the policies of UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL. Products ordering from UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL is an assertion of this commitment to abide by the company's policies.

Article 3: Loyalty
UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL distributors will remain loyal to the company and its policies and are not allowed to join any other Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies as long as they are active members of UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL. The Distributor agrees to comply with all applicable laws and commercial, social and tax regulations of his country.

Article 4 : Compliance with the policies of the company
 Intentional acts of omission and non-compliance with the  policies by a distributor will be consequently handled, which may lead to the termination of membership statut or an action for indemnity
As a worldwide Distributor of UBI, he/she may now engage in the direct selling of all UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL products and services (e.g. health and welfare products) and is entitled to the commissions, discounts, medical consultations, rebates and privileges granted by the company.Resigned or discharged  distributors, however, are no longer entitled to the above-mentioned commissions and benefits.
Article 5 Pricing policy
The sale of packs or products above or below the approved prices is strictly prohibited, violation of this disposition will result in termination of the distribution contract.

Article 6: Relationship and Representation
Members of UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL are considered as independant distributors and, therefore there won’t be any employer-employee relationship between them and UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL. UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL won’t be responsible for any fake statement made by its distributors.

Article 7 : Taxes deduction
UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL is entitled to deduct the counterpart taxes from the sales, commissions and discounts of a distributor.

Article 8 : Proxy distribution
A distributor and any resulting group, created or utilized by proxy, whether intentionally or by inadvertence , are not authorized and must be settled to comply with the policies of the company.  

Article 9 : Policy related to the new prices
In order for UBI worldwide distributors to obtain discounts on a new product, they must purchase the new product in the month it is released. This is in addition to the monthly personal maintenance. But the next month will go back to the original monthly personal maintenance.

Article 10: places of sale of UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL products
Products should not be sold in retail stores such as pharmacies, grocery stores, supermarkets and others as this will compete directly with the Business Centre Office (BCO) and national satellite offices.

Article 11: Product codes(E-pin).
All product codes are valid for 60 days, product codes beyond 60 days will automatically expire and are not replaceable. It is the distributor’s responsibility to verify the expiration of product codes.

Article 12: Review of Policy and Business Plan
The Company reserves the right to modify, revise and update its existing policies and business plan in the best interests of UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL, and its distributors without notice.

Article 13: Promotional material
Distributors agree not to use written, printed, recorded or any other material (other than those approved by UBI administration) in the advertising, promotion or description of UBI products or marketing program, or in any other way, any material, which has not been approved by UBI administration before being released, published or posted.. The production or sale of any material created by a distributor who does not have a prior written authorization from UBI’s administration is strictly prohibited.

Article 14: Packaging
UBI worldwide distributors are only allowed to purchase up to the maximum allowable product packaging.

Article 15: Accounts Resale
Resale of a distributor’s accounts/heads/time slots is NOT AUTHORIZED to any person, whether belonging to the same group, crossline, upline, down line, parent or other. This is prohibited by the DTI regulations.

Article 16: Transfer to another group
It is strictly forbidden to engage in any activity involving the solicitation of a distributor to transfer/move to another group by making offers such as, but not limited to, free slots, marketing support, financial support, etc.

Article 17: Prohibition of the purchase of bonuses

a.Any registration of people without the knowledge or execution of an application form for independant distributor by these people;
b. The fraudulent registration of a person as a distributor;
c. Registration or attempted registration of people who do not exist as distributors for bonus or commission purposes;
d.Any other means or mechanism by which strategic purchases are made to maximize commissions or bonuses when a distributor does not have honest intention use for the purchased products.

Article 18: Prohibition of buy-ins
Buy-in is the purchase of products exceeding the authorized amount to meet the immediate needs of sales. Such action is not authorized and will result in the deletion of the distributors' account.
To discourage any distributor from purchasing bonuses and buy-in bans, the Company reserves the right to pay or not pay bonuses or commission to the distributor and rising lines, who have benefited from such transactions. Distributors who have participated in the purchase of bonuses or buy-in will be treated severely, which may include termination and/or an action for indemnities
The distributor acknowledges that his remuneration is based on his activity as buyer-reseller and animation of people he would have presented to the company and not on the number of hours worked.

Article 19: Sponsorship Policy
With the exception of authorized re-profiling, it is contrary to company policy for any Distributor to change sponsors. UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL will only consider the first valid registration and any subsequent application or registration will not be allowed.

Article 20: Reinvention of the Marketing Plan
The UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL Hybrid Marketing Plan is a combination of Binary, Unilevel and Stair Plan, it is a sharing or products selling and sharing or selling the business plan to a potential client and the global package. This is NOT an INVESTMENT PLAN where, it will be presented to people who will be called as INVESTORS and in return get a huge percentage of interest while doing nothing by placing a huge amount of money as INVESTMENT, This is NOT the UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL plan. Any person or group who presents, joins, promotes or has any connection in any way, directly or indirectly, will be treated severely, which may include termination or legal action for indemnity. The company will not be held responsible if a distributor joins the so called unauthorized investment even if they do not know the policy. Due diligence is expected on each distributor/individual if asked to pay more than the approved product package.

Article 21: Account transfer
Accounts can only be transferred if the account owner is deceased and is only transferable to the immediate legal beneficiary or as indicated by a will.

Article 22: Commercial representation
   The commercial representation freely and independantly organizes its activity without any relationship of subordination towards UBI Miracle Global; Any commercial representation is considered as an independant branch of UBI MIRACLE GLOBAL. After the approval of UBI Miracle Global for commercial representation, the actual contract authorizes the commercial representation to carry on its business. In case of non-compliance with any of the conditions indicated in the agreement or in the contract, which prove to be inaccurate, UBI Miracle Global may automatically terminate this contract without prejudice to any proceedings by the competent authorities. This termination will take effect five (5) days after the notification sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

Article 23 : Property rights
The distributor engages to respect the literary property rights of UBI Miracle Global. The distributor shall not reproduce any publication of the products of UBI Miracle Global without prior written consent of UBI.

Article 24:  Case of violation

A UBI worldwide distributor must comply with the company’s rules, regulations and code of ethics. Whose breach will result in automatic deactivation, suspension or deletion of the account. After deactivation of an account, the Distributor has three (3) months to clarify deactivation matters by reporting personally  to the administration. Non-compliance will result in the  permanent deactivation of the account
The terms and conditions, and the code of conduct of distributors can also change without notice.