

  • Product Code: UBI - MEN
  • Availability: In Stock
  • PV 1.2
  • $25.00

  • Ex Tax: $25.00
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PRECAUTION: Product strictly reserved for adults, scrupulously respect the prescribed dose.


Zinc: Zinc is a trace element, present in trace amounts in the body. It plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

It plays a complementary role in particular in the following areas

- The immune system by increasing the number of T lymphocytes

- Wound healing

- DNA and protein synthesis

- Insulin metabolism

- Bone maintenance

- Development and proper functioning of the nervous system

- Preservation of taste and smell

- Prevention of prostate problems

- Production of spermatozoa...

Ginger: The rhizome of ginger contains oleoresin consisting of shogaol and gingerol, which have anti-inflammator y and antiemetic (vomiting reducing) effects and accelerate intestinal transit. It contains essential oil, starch, numerous vitamins (B1, B2, B3, C) and minerals (manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron) which have the effect of energising the body.

Internal use  :

- Stimulates the immune system.

- Anti-inflammatory and antiviral: helps fight fever, flu and allergies.

- Relieves pain (migraines, digestive spasms, gastric disorders).

- Stimulates appetite and acts on intestinal disorders such as nausea, bloating, gas, pain.

- Prevents vomiting after surgery or due to motion sickness.

- Tones, stimulates and strengthens the body.

- Strong anti-oxidant properties.

Prevention of certain cancers (colon, intestine, ovary), cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's disease and protection of body cells against ageing. Its main active compound is gingerol, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Cinnamomum Verrum (Cinnamon): This plant is used to treat or relieve people suffering from certain pathologies, such as intestinal disorders or asthenia.

Internal use :

Improves intestinal transit and promotes the disappearance of nausea, flatulence, bloating and gurgling. Its virtues help to calm dental pain. Reduces fatigue (following a flu or cold), gives energy. Regulates diabetes.

External use

Antioxidant: restores radiance to tired skin

Other proven therapeutic indications

Combined with ginseng and maca, cinnamon combats asthenia, lack of motivation, lethargy, but also impotence and sexual fatigue in men. Cinnamon, combined with ginseng and rhodiola, is an effective antidepressant. This combination also improves memory, concentration and alertness. Combined with royal jelly, cinnamon reduces the symptoms of overwork. Finally, combined with ginger and turmeric, it helps regulate menstrual cycles.

Ginko Biloba: Mainly flavonoids (antioxidants) and terpene lactones (ginkgolides and bilobalides) that improve blood circulation: anticoagulant, antiaggregant (prevents the formation of thrombosis or clots), vasodilator (facilitates the dilation of blood vessels) actions Strengthens brain function, especially in cases of senile dementia: stimulates memory, helps concentration and reasoning.

Saw leaf (Vietnamese Coriander):

Coriander is an aromatic herb with a powerful and incomparable taste. It is a remarkable source of vitamin K and antioxidants beneficial to the health of the body.

Internal use :

- Antioxidant power

- Good source of vitamin K (necessary for the synthesis (manufacture) of proteins that help blood clotting (both stimulating and inhibiting blood clotting)

- Very low in calories

- Positive impact on cholesterol levels  

Palmetto Berry: 

Internal use :

Berries from saw palmetto are widely used for conditions such as prostate problems, urinary tract infections, bladder disorders, hormonal imbalances and hair loss. It is also thought to stimulate libido and sperm production

Hawthorn berry:

Internal use:

- Helps to reduce nervousness in case of exaggerated perception of heartbeat (healthy heart),

- Promotes sleep and healthy sleep,

- Beneficial for the cardiovascular system

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